Disrupt donor finance.

Secure more and better public funding and incentives to support small entrepreneurs promoting sustainable agricultural practices in low- and middle-income countries.​

Co-founding and leading Hesat2030

Hesat2030 is defining and implementing a roadmap for a food secure future that also addresses nutrition, sustainability and equity.

It is an ambitious programme that brings together academics, researchers, policy makers, civil society and international organisations with the aim of ending hunger based on data-driven and evidence-based solutions.

The Zero Hunger Coalition coordinates action, development assistance and investment to help countries achieve zero hunger by 2030. It is science-based and implements the 10 high-impact investment areas identified in Ceres2030: Sustainable Solutions to End Hunger.

It brings together a coalition of 32 governments, plus the African Union Commission and the European Commission, as well as 24 civil society organisations and 11 multilateral organisations.

It is led by the Shamba Centre together with FAO, GAIN, IFAD and WFP.

Sustainable Food Systems Pathways

Developing and implementing pathways to sustainable food systems requires political will and coordination.

The Shamba Centre is working together with FAO and IFPRI to help government determine the right mix of policies to achieve sustainable solutions for hunger, climate mitigation and health.

Sustainable Aquaculture

Extensive systems aquaculture systems with a nature-based approach perform 36% better than intensive ones in Madagascar when taking into consideration external factors such as environmental, social, and economic impacts. These are the results of an assessment undertaken by IISD in collaboration with GIZ and the Shamba Centre.

The Shamba Centre also published a report that explores how nature-based solutions can contribute to small-scale aquaculture, and in this way increase access and availability of aquatic proteins for food security and nutrition. Experience the report online.

Watch our webinar on best practices for building sustainable aquaculture designs that integrate and complement nature-based solutions.

Reintroducing the cultivation and use of indigenous crops offers opportunities to improve nutrition and dietary diversity, promote climate-smart and resilient agricultural practices and can potentially to increase the livelihoods of smallholder farmers.

As part of the wider VACS initiative, the Shamba Centre is organizing several consultations to gather insight on the implications of promoting indigenous crops based on the experiences and perspective of African market actors.

Official Donor Assistance Analysis

Gathering and analysing data is the first step in improving official donor assistance. We need to understand how much is spent and how it is spent.

Then we can advocate for disruption. The Shamba Centre is working with the FAO to develop an online ODA monitoring and analysis tool.