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Empower small scale producers to reduce food insecurity

Trade Forum, edited by the International Trade Centre, published an article by Carin Smaller discussing the work of the Shamba Centre.

As the article notes, we contribute to building resilience into agrifood systems in low- and middle-income countries and thus prevent shocks from transforming into a crisis. We do so by empowering the small-scale producers and small businesses – the so-called missing middle - so they can have the opportunity and access to the markets and tools they need to thrive.

Maize prices in Kenya and Malawi have soared, but Tanzania’s haven’t: economists explain why

The Conversation published an article by Namhla Landani, CCRED, and Arthur Khomotso Mahuma, CCRED and Competition Expert for the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate.

The article explains how a regional approach to competition, aimed at ensuring that markets function well in terms of pricing and trade, could help balance maize markets.

How is climate change affecting food prices and inflation?

Climate shocks - floods, droughts, cyclones - have become the new normal. However, we need to prevent that these shocks from transforming into crises by responding in ways to mitigate their impact.

Carin Smaller joined a panel discussion on Al Jazeera to discuss high food prices and climate change alongside George Monbiot and Thin Lei Win.

Fair markets key to food security

An editorial by Adano Roba, the Acting Director General of the Competition Authority of Kenya and Carin Smaller in which they explain how to use advocacy to tackle the extreme levels of concentration in the agriculture and food markets in Africa.

It presents the Nairobi Consensus, agreed at a recent International Competition Network (ICN) workshop, which calls for combating food insecurity and persistent poverty by ensuring open and fair markets.

‘Just’ trade: Rethinking economic power structures

“We need an agricultural trade structure that is people-centred rather than economic-centred,” states Carin Smaller in the latest Food4Transformation podcast episode.

Trade is essential for food security and nutrition. However, the benefits of trade are not evenly distributed. Price dumping and concentrated markets harm small producers and consumers. A more comprehensive policy transformation is needed.

How continental competition policy strengthens the African marketplace

African Arguments published an expert opinion by Chilufya Sampa, our Senior Advisor on Competition Law and Policy and the former head of the competition authority in Zambia. In the article, he explains how regional African institutions and national authorities can work together to build a strong, African-wide, competitive market.

Increasingly, national authorities are turning towards regional competition organisations to strengthen their capabilities. Improved cooperation among competition organisations on advocacy and investigations is leading to better enforcement.

Can we ever put an end to global hunger?

Carin Smaller participate in a panel discussion on Al Jazeera focusing on the persistence of hunger in the world. Currently 240 million people suffer from acute food insecurity while 750 million are considered chronically food insecure.

Despite 30 years of progress in reducing the number of people suffering from food insecurity, the numbers have increased in the past 6-7 years. This can be attributed to three main drivers: conflict, climate change and economic shocks.

Opinion: Strengthen African market competition to fight food insecurity

The momentum to combat market concentration now needs to spread to Africa and to the food and agricultural sectors. African competition authorities need to be supported with the resources, knowledge, and the mandate to act. It is time for the development community to step in.

An editorial in Devex explaining how market concentration in agriculture and food markets across Africa is a key driver of food insecurity.

Food insecurity: why is finance failing?

How do we bring more capital to help achieve food security? Current public spending is insufficient and private capital is not flowing to countries where it is most needed.

Carin Smaller is quoted in Global Markets calling for the public sector to be smarter at how it raises additional money from private, concessional or commercial loans.

How the war in Ukraine is fuelling a global food crisis

345 million people are on the verge of starvation. This number has risen dramatically since the global pandemic as a result of climate change, economic shocks and war & conflict.

In this in-depth report by Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the Shamba Centre's Executive Director, Carin Smaller, discusses the current levels of food insecurity due to the war in Ukraine.

«Companies have not invested enough in the long term to stem food shocks.»

"There is no magic solution to fix the problems with our current food and agricultural systems. Rather, we need to adopt a holistic approach and invest in in farmers...We need coordinated change at the local, national and international levels."

Carin Smaller in Le Temps Switzerland