Boost fair markets

Support strong competition law and enforcement to unravel entrenched market concentration and ensure that the rules of the market are fair for everyone.

Competition landscape in Africa

The extreme levels of concentration in many African food and agricultural markets reveal dysfunctions and distortions in the system. From input to retail, markets are concentrated and present high barriers to entry, leading to frequent and harmful cartels.

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Agrifood market trends in Africa

The Shamba Centre supports the monthly publication of the African Market Observatory (AMO) Price Tracker. The tracker summarises key trends in prices in East and Southern Africa for selected staple food products.

Enforcing competition policy

The Shamba Centre supports competition authorities at the different stages of development in their enforcement activity, whether merger screening, market inquiries (or studies) or tackling anti-competitive behaviour. This work contributes to making markets more competitive and fair for MSMEs in agri-food markets. Small producers and farmers can thus access new opportunities and thrive.


  • Special Advisor Chilufya Sampa discusses competition policy in the agrifood sector in Africa, its impact on food prices and how regional and national authorities can work together

  • African competition authorities only see the tip of the iceberg of anti-competitive conduct

  • Launch of new Agrifood Anti-Monopoly Tracker and first key findings

  • The Nairobi Action Plan: Advocacy priorities to promote competitive agrifood markets to boost food security

  • How continental competition policy strengthens the African marketplace

  • Malawi and maize: prices have spiked on the back of bad weather and trade bans

  • Event: Reforming competition regimes in Africa for sustainable food systems

  • Opinion: Strengthen African market competition to fight food insecurity

  • Presentation: Empowering African agri-food producers through stronger competition law and policy

  • Event: Reforming competition law and policy to empower MSMEs in the agri-food system

  • Is market concentration killing salmons?

  • Chilean salmon: concentrated power with disastrous impact